Wednesday 23 February 2011

It was already a pretty great day, then Atmosphere dropped a new song and things get even better. Following the To All My Friends/Blood Makes the Blade Holy EP's, they continue to get ever more musical, with the live instruments and what not (what does Ant do these days ? tap out drums ?). I'm sucker for anything with organs, there's not a single genre that isn't improved by a spot of Hammond, specifically Hammond Organ recitals and laid back hip-hop. New album "The Family Sign" out April 12th.

Atmosphere - Just For Show by rhymesayers

Frank Ocean..

..makes Odd Future (yeah I'm on that wagon now) endorsed R'n'B that sounds at times like 808's & Heartbreak's done by someone who can put a melody together. I loved that album anyway so this is my favourite thing in a while. It's FREE and all, who doesn't love free ?

Novacane below, album download link after that.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Krautrock February

Is the themed month in the lounge of the French's. Have some Can why don't you ?

Pre-gibberish listening.

I'm trying to keep music resolutely 2011 in 2011 (Akron/Family's "S/T II: The Cosmic Birth and Journey of Shinju TNT" next, and probably some Saigon) but I thought I'd drop in Mitchell Museum, who I think released their debut album in November time. They're the sort of band who like to put things out on Cassette, which might tell you all you need to know about them. Still, they're chirpy and scottish and on the weirder, Animal Collective, side of the spectrum.

Tiger Heartbeat by mitchellmuseum

Friday 18 February 2011

You're not a rapper on the come up until someone has asked you to rap in your car.

City of Music: SIMS from MPLS.TV on Vimeo.

If I'd had an internet connection for the past month, I would've posted about the following in timely fashion and it would've been glorious. As it is I didn't, so I havn't;

Sims just dropped Bad Time Zoo, composed entirely of Lazerbeak patented Lava Bangers and packaged with a boxcutter to make your own origami Lion (origami is the one in 2011, believe it) out of the packaging. It's still mid-delivery over the Atlantic (if that's the correct ocean..) but 'Beak killed the beats on the Hand Over Fist record with Mictlan, and Sims has been rapping seriously hard since his slightly disappointing turn on the Doomtree crew record so I'm suitably pumped. Instead of the usual barrage of violent threats that usually occampanies my 'tree pimping, I'll just say it's going to be stupid good, full of huge beats AND HAS ORIGAMI ANIMALS DID I MENTION.

At some other point in February I would have said that the eclectically minded folk at the porcupine tree forum put me on to an album by Hotel of the Laughing Tree that's both utterly bizarre and the type of thing you could play on radio One. It's called Terror and Everything After, it has riffs, trumpets, gang chants, riffs and one really awful song that sounds like Status Quo.

They have a myspace, we all know how to use that particular dinosaur of a social network, search dat.

Finally and almost chronologically, I would've posted that the thought of sitting through Fleet Foxes at Green Man festival fills me with dread, terror, woe and all other synonyms. I sort of thought there might be a rush for tickets this year as Green Man got bigged up a lot last year and there were all sorts of young people (yup, I'm one of those ruddy yobs ruining Green Man for the chuldren) about. Seeing the announced line up so far, you could probably buy the week prior. Here's hoping for a little less folk and a little more weird noise and yelping in the next line up update.

Yeah I thought I'd blog about music occasionally, save me trolling all your facebooks with bangerafterbangerafterbanger. It'll never be as lengthy as this, I swear.